It started with a goal to create high-quality virgin coconut oil
AG was organized in mid-2005 by two Filipino friends, Mason Ang and Antonino Geniston, together with their sisters, to help tackle the challenge of producing a premium quality of Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) without the rancidity of fermentation and the heated aroma of dry coconut meat oil expelling. Thus the development of Fresh-Centrifuged VCO Process technology, making the original quality of the oil as it exists in fresh coconut meat commercially available to health-conscious consumers.
At that time, the VCO product was increasingly becoming popular locally and in western markets due to a new awareness of its amazing health benefits.
AG’s founders saw in the Centrifuged VCO (CVCO) not only a good business entry point but also a suitable tool for development of coconut farm communities. For decades, many Philippine country-sides that produce copra from coconuts have seen its farmers locked in poverty. Many farmers were losing lands to copra traders due to deep financial indebtedness that arises from prolonged periods of low copra market value, and from the inequity to small farmers inherent in the conventional world trading of agri-based commodities.