Flower Depot Inc., established in 2003, was one of few bloom cultivators to offer blossom conveyance on the web. The bloom cultivate was begun in 1996 and has since progressed to planting, developing and gathering blossoms utilizing reasonable farming practices.
Flower Depot’s reasoning is to plant, develop, gather and give an energetic living, and excellent blossoms with honesty. Their blossoms are developed in rich, living soil, and utilizing just supportable, natural and biodynamic rehearses. The blooms are developed in the lower regions of Mt. Kitanglad, where they plan to have a blossom cultivate that maintains the wellsprings of life, is feasible, and squanders nothing. They don’t want to depend on synthetics, synthetics or pesticides, depending rather on nature itself.
Their homestead has a promoting office at the Makati Curb Holdings, Yakal St., San Antonio Village, Makati City and you can call them at +632-8140854 or 0917-6731947.