Establishment for a Sustainable Society (FSSI) was built up August 11, 1995, after a fruitful obligation for advancement understanding between the Government of the Philippines and the Swiss Confederation. Switzerland dropped Philippine’s extraordinary fare credit obligations adding up to 42 million Swiss Francs (around USD 34 million.) Partner support, proportionate to 50% of this sum was set up and directed to FSSI to fund reasonable improvement ventures for the minimized areas.
The FSSI is a social venture association resolved to help the advancement of reasonable networks through social enterprise. Since 1995, they have created social endeavors with triple primary concerns in minimized networks that are claimed, overseen and worked by poor people, monetarily solid and ecologically inviting.
The establishment is situated in 46-E Eugenio Lopez St., corner Samar Avenue, South Triangle, Quezon City 1103 Philippines and you can contact them at +632 928 8422.