Hi-Las Marketing Corporation is a pioneer in the Philippine Fruit and Vegetable industry. Established in 1976, Roberto C. Loves’ energy for the Philippine Super Mango impelled its development from a neighborhood leafy foods merchant to one of the nation’s exceptionally differentiated producer, exporter and processor, upheld by over 30 years of experience and a gathering of fulfilled global client accomplices in Japan, Korea, USA, China, Netherlands, Germany, UK, and Hong Kong.
Hi-Las’ Philippine Super mangoes experience broad tree-to-table procedures to keep up its common very nutritious and tasty attributes and guarantee safe eating quality. The organization executes Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) in the entirety of its licensed homesteads that make up it’s across the country system of supply for Hi-Las mangoes and vegetables, viably directing the utilization of synthetic substances from blooming to collecting, with predictable observing of discernibility in each kilo marked under the Hi-Las brands.
The company is arranged in Avocado Road, Special Economic Zone, FTI, Taguig City, Metro Manila, Philippines. You can contact them at info@hilasmc.com or (632) 8384941 to 42.