La Filipina Uy Gongco Group of Companies is the biggest merchant and wholesaler of US soybean feast in Asia. As the years progressed, the Company’s necessity of soybean feast has been expanding from already 270,000 metric tons in 2012 and 300,000 metric tons in 2013 to around 340,000 metric tons in 2014. These imports have made the Philippines into the primary spot for US soymeal trades. Soybean supper is utilized as crude material for creature sustains.
La Filipina is the significant merchant of creature sustenance and wellbeing items across the country, for example, Amino Acids (Lysine HCL, dl-Methionine, and l-Threonine) and the second biggest wholesaler of different evaluations of manure under the brand name “Amigo Planters”.
Since its fuse in 1971, La Filipina Uy Gongco Corporation has developed into a very broadened organization agribusiness, domesticated animals and sustenance organization. The Company claims one of the greatest and current flour processes in the nation and is a noteworthy player in the creation and offers of flour and flour results across the nation. It is likewise one of the biggest merchant and wholesaler of different evaluations of manure and a main maker of creature sustains in the nation. It is the proprietor administrator of agrarian domains, for example, hoard and sugar stick ranches, sugar process, corn process, inn, bank, shopping center, and land advancement. The Company extended its product offering from crude agrarian create to meat handling, pasta assembling, and coordination activities through its completely incorporated, present day, best in class offices prepared to deliver and disseminate shopper items for residential and universal markets.
La Filipina Uy Gongco is arranged in Lots 2 and 3, Block 1, Bonifacio V. Romero Boulevard, Manila Harbor Center, Radial Road-10 Vitas, Tondo, Manila, Metro Manila Philippines 1013 and you can call them at +63(2)516-7362.