Wholesale + Retail
Frozen Meat Cuts
Open Daily | 9am – 6pm
Pick up / Take out / Delivery
Premium Steaks(srp/kg)
Angus Beef
- T-Bone = 2,070
- Striploin = 2,130
- Rib Eye = 2,410
- Tomahawk = 2,535
- Tenderloin = 3,920
- Japanus Wagyu Striploin =10,070
- Japanese Rib Eye A4 = 11,130
Quality Local Meats(srp/kg)
- Lean Ground Pork = 268
- Menudo Cut = 304
- Pork Chop = 278
- Country Style = 380
- Ground Beef = 275
*Steaks per pack ranges from 300-400g
** For other meat cuts, please call branch
Local meats are packed by 500g
Banawe, QC = 0966 744 4366
Paseo de Magallanes = 0926 075 5187
BF Home, Pque = 0926 6474778
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IMPORTANT: Please note that all businesses listed here are not legally connected to PhilFarm. Exercise due diligence in transacting with the sellers.