Naturesbio Organic Inc. is an ideal blend of Natural NPK, in excess of 60 small scale supplements in addition to Amino Acid basic for plants got from a 100% characteristic maturation of Fish, Kelp and Guano Extracts through Natures Beneficial Microorganism. It is handled under unbending quality control to hold nature’s profitable supplements. It additionally contains Plant Growth Hormones (Auxins, Cytokinins, and Giberillins) in addition to Alginates and Carrageenan from tropical kelp and other rich ocean minerals critical to plant development and improvement.
NaturesBio Organic invigorates the character advancement and development of plants by expanding the chlorophyll generation level. NaturesBio Organic goes about as the plant’s impetus in using all the more adequately the sun’s vitality, subsequently advancing more grounded and more beneficial plant development.
The dirt is imperative; it is one of the fundamental sustenance wellsprings of plants. Counterfeit manures offer momentary great outcomes do as such in the cost of the long haul soundness of the dirt. NaturesBio reactivates the great miniaturized scale living being in the dirt and gives enhancements for the eco-arrangement of the plants. It makes an all-encompassing root framework giving plants more noteworthy access to supplements and water in the dirt consequently, giving long haul medical advantages for the plants.
They are arranged in Banawa, Cebu City, Cebu 57000. You can email them at or call them at 63 32 5122806.