Why Join PhilFARM?

The Philippines is a highly agricultural country. This is evident in the number of professionals and entrepreneurs connected and involved with agri-businesses such as sectors in food & agricultural supply, production, cultivation, training, breeding, manufacturing, processing, and distribution. But given these great number of participants, industry success seemed to always lag behind other countries.

Given the circumstances above, we believe that agricultural advancement and progress should be a shared vision of both government and private sector. Thus, the vision to have a progressive, stable, and prolific agriculture industry gave birth to PhilFARM. PhilFARM is the first integrated community of farmers, agriculturists, suppliers, organizations, producers, marketers, growers, breeders, cold supply chains, traders, meat processors, agri-tourists, horticulturists, agronomists, agri-financiers, investors and lenders, training institutes, and even agri-students.

Being included in a community gives one a sense of belonging and support system. Aside from these, there are other reasons why you should be part of the PhilFARM Community:

  • Opportunity to meet other professionals and entrepreneurs in the agricultural industry
  • Increased possibility of gaining more prospective clients and partners
  • Enjoy online prominence by building your own personal profile through the use of PhilFARM platform
  • Chance to showcase informations about your company like its profile and contact information, engaging customers further by employing relative images
  • Be informed with what’s new and the latest happening in the Philippine agriculture community
  • Be included in PhilFARM’s Agribusiness Directory which is accessible to public

PhilFARM confidently hopes that the aim to have better agriculture industry is not a far-off thing but is something that is achievable if only every sector in this industry will take their part of the game. And one significant step to take is to join and be part of a community that will help them reach out to others within the industry and to them in return. To join the PhilFARM community, simpy log on to www.philfarm.com and register.

Why Join PhilFARM? - PhilFarm