Villa Socorro is the place for you to remain and cooperative with nature. Settled at the foot of Sierra Madre mountain extend, it is an 11-hectare arrive limited by Balanac waterway.
Nature is sustained normally at Villa Socorro. Carabaos still furrow the field. Grasses develop, butterflies fly, frogs jump, trees tower the sky, and feathered creatures sing in their regular living space, normally. Stay outdoors and set up a portable shelter to appreciate nature taking care of business.
At the focal point of the lavish vegetation is farm style air-conditioned houses, a structure, a meeting rooms, an entertainment corridor among different structures. Near 90% of wood materials that were utilized to construct these structures originated from the trees which were planted 10 years prior. Of the 8,000 trees planted, around 500 were felled by calamitous storm “Milenyo” in October 2006. Around the houses are a stunning vegetable garden and a natural product plantation.
Manor Socorro Agri-Eco Village and Farm Resort is arranged in Agawin Road, Brgy Dingin, Pagsanjan, Laguna 4008 and you can contact those at (0917) 5229038 and look for Ryan. Odiamar. You can likewise email them at